MolDQN is a actor/critic based RL approach to compound generation. The MolDQN paradigm differs from MRL's generative model approach. For this reason, MolDQN makes for an interesting example of integrating new or different modeling apporaches into MRL.
MRL Approach
MRL focuses mainly on generative models. These are models that produce chemical structures through some sampling process. Generative models give us a probability associated with each sample. This allows us to run an optimization procedure where we tell the generative model to increase the probability of high scoring compounds. The score for each compound is given by some model or function outside the generative model.
The MolDQN Approach
MolDQN uses an actor/critic approach. The actor/critic models are given some molecular state and predict a scalar score value from that state. This means there are no generative models involved. So how do we get new molecule states? MolDQN uses a heuristics based approach to generating new compounds. This works as follows:
- Start with some initial state (ie
) - Define a list of allowed atom types and bond types (ie
['C', 'O', 'N']
,['single', 'double', 'triple']
) - Create all variants of the initial state with 1 atom added or 1 bond added (
, ...) - Use the model to score each possible next state
- Select the state with the highest predicted score
This process lets us build up a set of (state, next_state)
sample pairs. Then during optimization, we train the model to predict the value of state
plus a portion of the value of next_state
. Including a portion of future rewards in the prediction is an important part of MolDQN. We could forego the RL aspect of this entirely and use just the sampling procedure in a beam-search sort of way where we calculate the highest value next state and simply choose that. The flaw with this approach is it can lead to getting stuck in local optima. With RL, we hope the model can learn that choosing a state that has a lower value on the next immediate step can actually be advantgeous as it can lead to an overall higher reward in say 3 steps.
Integrating MolDQN
To integrate the MolDQN approch into MRL, we need to design the following:
- A
variant for MolDQN - A
variant for MolDQN - A
variant for MolDQN
Performance Notes
The workflow in this notebook is more CPU-constrained than GPU-constrained due to the need to evaluate samples on CPU. If you have a multi-core machine, it is recommended that you uncomment and run the set_global_pool
cells in the notebook. This will trigger the use of multiprocessing, which will result in 2-4x speedups.
This notebook may run slow on Collab due to CPU limitations.
If running on Collab, remember to change the runtime to GPU
import sys
from mrl.imports import *
from mrl.core import *
from mrl.chem import *
from mrl.templates.all import *
from mrl.torch_imports import *
from mrl.torch_core import *
from mrl.layers import *
from mrl.dataloaders import *
from mrl.g_models.all import *
from mrl.vocab import *
from mrl.policy_gradient import *
from mrl.train.all import *
from mrl.model_zoo import *
MolDQN Dataset
We need to build a variant of Base_Dataset
to work with MolDQN. This means we need to implement the following methods:
We also need a collate function.
First we need to decide what our samples are going to look like. To be comptible with MRL, samples need to be hashable.
MolDQN requires three pieces of information to make a prediction:
- Initial state
- Current step
- Possible next states
The initial state will be a SMILES string. The dataloader will convert the SMILES string into a fingerprint to be sent to the model.
The current step will be an integer value. The use of this value is discussed more later. In short, MolDQN alters the score of a state based on how many steps the model has been running to ty encourage the model to pursue longer rollout paths. This value will be concatenated to the initial state fingerprint.
The possible next states will be a tuple of SMILES strings. These will be converted into a batch of fingerprints.
With this definition, a sample might look like:
('CCC', 4, ('CCCC', 'CCC=N', 'CCCO'))
Which would be converted to
[FP('CCC'),4], [[FP('CCCC'), 3], [FP('CCC=N'), 3], [FP('CCCO'), 3]]
class DQNDataset(Base_Dataset):
def __init__(self, samples, fp_function, collate_function):
self.samples = samples
self.fp_function = fp_function
def __len__(self):
return len(self.samples)
def get_state_fps(self, state, steps_left):
fp = fp_to_array(self.fp_function(state))
fp = np.append(fp, steps_left)
return torch.tensor(fp).float()
def get_next_state_fps(self, next_states, steps_left):
next_fps = [fp_to_array(self.fp_function(i)) for i in next_states]
next_fps = np.stack([np.append(i, steps_left-1) for i in next_fps])
return torch.tensor(next_fps).float()
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sample = self.samples[idx]
smile, steps_left, next_states = sample
fp = self.get_state_fps(smile, steps_left)
next_fps = self.get_next_state_fps(next_states, steps_left)
return fp, next_fps
def new(self, samples):
return self.__class__(samples, self.fp_function, self.collate_function)
def split_on_idxs(self, train_idxs, valid_idxs):
train_ds =[self.samples[i] for i in train_idxs])
valid_ds =[self.samples[i] for i in valid_idxs])
return (train_ds, valid_ds)
def moldqn_collate(batch):
fps = torch.stack([i[0] for i in batch])
y_size = max([i[1].shape[0] for i in batch])
y_block = torch.zeros((len(batch), y_size, fps.shape[-1]))-1
nfps = [i[1] for i in batch]
for i, nfp in enumerate(nfps):
num_fps = nfp.shape[0]
y_block[i, :num_fps] = nfp
return fps, y_block
ds = DQNDataset([('C', 4, ('CCC'))], ECFP6, moldqn_collate)
MolDQN Agent
Since our data is tensorized into fingerprint vectors, our model will be a MLP-type model. We now need to build an Agent
to use this model.
MolDQN uses a double Q learning approach. This fits with the BaselineAgent
framework of having a main model and a baseline model.
We build a new BaselineAgent
with the following methods implemented:
: define terms to log for MolDQNbefore_compute_reward
: correctly tensorize samplesreward_modification
: apply reward scaling (see below)compute_loss
: compute MolDQN loss (see below)
Reward Modification
MolDQN modifies rewards based on what step the reward was generated. If we rollout samples over 40 steps, we want to bias the model towards long sample paths rather than ones that terminate early. This is accomplished by scaling the reward by reward_modified = reward * scaling_factor ** steps_left
The MolDQN authors call this scaling factor a "discount factor". This is extremely annoying because "discount factor" is already a standard concept in RL. The MolDQN authors create a completely different concept then give it the same name, presumably just to confuse you.
Standard RL discounting takes the form reward_discounted[i] = reward[i] + discount_factor*reward[i+1]
, where the discount factor adds a small amount of future reward to the current reward. MolDQN "discounting" is purely based on the number of steps left, and has the effect of reducing the current reward rather than adding to it.
We implement this as a reward modification. This means we can see the true undiscounted rewards as well as the discounted rewards
Loss Function
Computing the MolDQN loss is done in the following steps:
- Grab a batch of
(state, steps_left, next_states)
samples - Use the baseline model to predict rewards of
- Select single next state for each sample based on baseline model predictions
- Compute value of
with the main model (model(state)
) - Compute target reward of
target_reward = reward(state) + gamma * baseline_model(next_state)
- Compute Huber loss between
model = MLP_Encoder(2049, [1024, 512, 256, 128], 1, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
class DQNAgent(BaselineAgent):
def __init__(self, model, dataset, discount,
base_update=0.99, base_update_iter=5,
opt_kwargs={}, clip=1., name='DQN'):
name=name) = discount
self.gamma = gamma
def setup(self):
log = self.environment.log
def before_compute_reward(self):
env = self.environment
batch_state = env.batch_state
samples = batch_state.samples
batch_ds =
batch = batch_ds.collate_function([batch_ds[i] for i in range(len(batch_ds))])
batch = to_device(batch)
bs = len(batch_ds)
x,y = batch
batch_state.x = x
batch_state.y = y = bs
batch_state.rewards = to_device(torch.zeros(bs))
batch_state.full_samples = samples
batch_state.steps_left = x[:,-1]
batch_state.samples = [i[0] for i in samples]
def reward_modification(self):
env = self.environment
batch_state = env.batch_state
x = batch_state.x
steps_left = x[:,-1]
batch_state.rewards_final = batch_state.rewards_final * ** (steps_left)
batch_state['dqn_reward'] = batch_state.rewards_final
def compute_loss(self):
env = self.environment
batch_state = env.batch_state
x = batch_state.x
y = batch_state.y
steps_left = x[:,-1]
reward = batch_state.rewards_final
dones = steps_left<=0
with torch.no_grad():
bs,num_fps,dim = y.shape
preds = self.base_model(y.view(-1, dim)).view(bs,num_fps)
mask = ((y==-1).sum(-1))==0
actions = preds.masked_fill(~mask, float('-inf')).argmax(-1)
act_fps = y[torch.arange(bs), actions]
v_pred = self.model(x).squeeze()
with torch.no_grad():
v_t1_pred = self.base_model(act_fps).squeeze()
v_target = reward + self.gamma*v_t1_pred*(1-dones.float())
v_error = v_pred - v_target
loss = torch.where(
torch.abs(v_error) < 1.0,
0.5 * v_error * v_error,
1.0 * (torch.abs(v_error) - 0.5),
self.environment.batch_state.loss += loss.mean()
self.environment.batch_state['dqn_loss'] = loss.detach().cpu().numpy()
agent = DQNAgent(model,
Now we need to build a Sampler
to generate samples. This sampler needs to follow the "add one atom or bond" rollout procedure for MolDQN. It also needs to generate samples in our pre-determined format of (str[state], int[steps_left], tuple[next_states])
We will use the add_bond_combi
and add_atom_combi
functions from the chem
module to generate next states.
During rollout, we start with some initial state (C, N, or O). We generate all possible next states. We then evaluate those states with the baseline model. With probability p
, we select the highest scoring state as predicted by the model. With probability 1-p
, we randomly select the next state. This probability is set by the eps
parameter and decreased by a factor of 0.99907
every episode.
The build_episode
method handles running the rollout.
We also build a DQNLogSampler
which will pull high scoring episodes from the log
class DQNSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, agent, buffer_size, eps, min_eps, max_steps=40):
super().__init__('dqn_sampler', buffer_size=buffer_size)
self.agent = agent
self.transition_dict = {}
self.starting_states = ['C', 'N', 'O']
self.atom_types = ['C', 'N', 'O', -1, -2]
self.eps = eps
self.min_eps = min_eps
self.max_steps = max_steps
def build_buffer(self):
buffer_items = []
while len(buffer_items) < self.buffer_size:
buffer_items += self.build_episode('C', self.max_steps)
if buffer_items:
def build_episode(self, state, steps_left):
buffer_items = []
starting_step = self.max_steps - steps_left
for i in range(starting_step, self.max_steps):
steps_left = self.max_steps - i
new_states = self.get_new_states(state)
buffer_items.append((state, steps_left, new_states))
if len(new_states)>1:
new_fps = self.agent.dataset.get_next_state_fps(new_states, steps_left)
with torch.no_grad():
new_fps = to_device(new_fps).float()
values = self.agent.base_model(new_fps)
self.eps = max(self.eps, self.min_eps)
if np.random.uniform() < self.eps:
action = np.random.randint(0, values.shape[0])
action = values.argmax()
state = new_states[action]
self.eps *= 0.99907
return buffer_items
def get_new_states(self, state):
if state in self.transition_dict.keys():
clean_states = self.transition_dict[state]
new_states = add_bond_combi(state) + add_atom_combi(state, self.atom_types) + [state]
new_states = list(set(new_states))
clean_states = []
for ns in new_states:
if (ns is not None) and (not '.' in ns) and (len(ns)>0):
clean_states = tuple(clean_states)
self.transition_dict[state] = clean_states
return clean_states
class DQNLogSampler(DQNSampler):
def __init__(self, agent, percentile, lookup_name,
buffer_size, eps, min_eps, max_steps=40):
super().__init__(agent, buffer_size, eps, min_eps, max_steps)
self.percentile = percentile
self.lookup_name = lookup_name
def build_buffer(self):
df = self.environment.log.df
if df.shape[0]>100:
df = df[df[self.lookup_name]>np.percentile(df[self.lookup_name].values, self.percentile)]
buffer_items = []
while len(buffer_items) < self.buffer_size:
sample = df.sample(n=1)
state = sample.samples.values[0]
steps = int(sample.steps_left.values[0])
buffer_items += self.build_episode(state, steps)
if buffer_items:
sampler1 = DQNSampler(agent, 500, 0.999, 0.05, max_steps=40)
sampler2 = LogSampler('full_samples', 'rewards', 10, 95, 100)
sampler3 = DQNLogSampler(agent, 95, 'rewards', 100, 0.999, 0.05, max_steps=40)
samplers = [sampler1, sampler2, sampler3]
template = Template([ValidityFilter(),
[QEDFilter(None, None, score=PassThroughScore())],
fail_score=-1., log=False)
template_cb = TemplateCallback(template, prefilter=False, do_filter=False)
In our samplers, we set the rollout length to be 40 steps. One metric of interest is the average number of steps left for each item in a batch. This shows how well the model is learning to choose longer sample paths, which is directly inventivised by the reward structure.
Here's a quick callback to grab that value
class PathLength(Callback):
def __init__(self):
def setup(self):
log = self.environment.log
def after_compute_reward(self):
log = self.environment.log
x = self.environment.batch_state.x
env.log.update_metric(, x[:,-1].mean().detach().cpu().numpy())
Here's some callbacks for tracking metrics
live_max = MaxCallback('rewards', None)
live_p90 = PercentileCallback('rewards', None, 90)
pl_cb = PathLength()
cbs = [live_p90, live_max, pl_cb]
env = Environment(agent, template_cb, samplers=samplers, rewards=[], losses=[],
cbs=cbs), 40, 2000, 50)