Core functions for MRL, mostly low level plumbing and parallel processing

Miscellaneous Functions

Low level helper functions



check if x is a container (used for parallel processing)



Recursively flattel list of lists



Flattens list of lists (not recursive)



Deduplicates list l


chunk_list(input_list, chunksize)

Breaks input_list into chunks of size chunksize, ragged on last list


filter_passing(inputs, bools)

Subsets inputs (list) by bools (list of bools)

assert flatten_list_of_lists([[1],[2],[3]]) == [1,2,3]
assert flatten_recursive([[1],[2],[3, [4,5, [6,7,8]]]]) == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

Parallel Processing

MRL tries to build in parallel processing at every level. This can make a huge difference when you're processing millions of molecules

new_pool_parallel and maybe_parallel are convenient wrappers for parallel processing. The given func is wrapped with **kwargs and used to process the iterable. If iterable is a list or np.ndarray, the elements in iterable are run in parallel by func.

Parallel processing tradeoffs

Parallel processing can significantly speed up a process. There are however some trade-offs.

In Python, parallel processing is creating using a Pool. A pool maps instances of a function over an iterable.

# uses 5 processes to map `my_iterable` to `my_func`
with Pool(processes=5) as p:
    outputs =, my_iterable)

Using the above code creates a new Pool with 5 processes, and uses those 5 processes to process the function arguments. The code incurs some i/o overhead creating the Pool. This means that if the time required to process the function calls is less than the Pool overhead, using parallel processing will actually be slower than serial processing. There are two ways around this:

  1. Use process pools for bulk processing (ie function time much greater than i/o time)
  2. Maintain an open process pool to avoid repeated pool creation overhead

MRL uses different functions to control the method of parallel processing used.

The new_pool_parallel function implements parallel processing using a new pool for every function call, similar to the above code. This function is best used to process large numbers of inputs infrequently. Parallel processing is controlled by the cpus argument. If cpus=None, the ncpus environment variable is used (ie os.environ['ncpus'] = '8')

The maybe_parallel function allows for repeated use of a stateful process Pool, defined by the GLOBAL_POOL variable. By default, GLOBAL_POOL=None. To create a global pool, use the set_global_pool function.


If the cpus=None, maybe_parallel will run processes using GLOBAL_POOL if it exists, or serial processing if it does not. If cpus is not None, maybe_parallel defaults back to using new_pool_parallel

If you need to frequently use parallel processing on small batches of inputs (ie batches from a model), set a global pool and use maybe_parallel

Global Pool Gotchas

Using a global pool allows us to take advantage of parallel processing on small batches without having the overhead of creating process pools over and over again. However, process pools left open accumulate memory. If memory usage builds up, use refresh_global_pool to release the memory and create a new global pool, or use close_global_pool to delete the global pool and reset it to None








new_pool_parallel(func, iterable, cpus=None, **kwargs)


maybe_parallel(func, iterable, cpus=None, **kwargs)

def test_func(x):
    return x
start = time.time()
_ = [test_func(i) for i in range(10)]
t1 = time.time()
_ = new_pool_parallel(test_func, list(range(10))) # serial processing
t2 = time.time()
_ = new_pool_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)), cpus=4) # 4 cpus manually defined
t3 = time.time()
os.environ['ncpus'] = '4'
_ = new_pool_parallel(test_func, list(range(10))) # 4 cpus defined by environ variable
t4 = time.time()

print_str = f'''
Serial time: {t1-start:.2f}\n
new_pool_parallel, 0 cpus time: {t2-t1:.2f}\n
new_pool_parallel, 4 cpus (arg defined) time: {t3-t2:.2f}\n
new_pool_parallel, 4 cpus (environ defined) time: {t4-t3:.2f}\n

Serial time: 5.01

new_pool_parallel, 0 cpus time: 5.01

new_pool_parallel, 4 cpus (arg defined) time: 1.53

new_pool_parallel, 4 cpus (environ defined) time: 1.53


start = time.time()
_ = maybe_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)))
t1 = time.time()
_ = maybe_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)), cpus=2)
t2 = time.time()

print_str = f'''
maybe_parallel Global Pool (5 cpus) time: {t1-start:.2f}\n
maybe_parallel arg override 2 cpus time: {t2-t1:.2f}\n

<class 'NoneType'>
<class 'multiprocessing.pool.Pool'>

maybe_parallel Global Pool (5 cpus) time: 1.00

maybe_parallel arg override 2 cpus time: 3.03

start = time.time()
_ = maybe_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)))
t1 = time.time()
_ = maybe_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)), cpus=2)
t2 = time.time()

print_str = f'''
maybe_parallel Global Pool (5 cpus) time: {t1-start:.2f}\n
maybe_parallel arg override 2 cpus time: {t2-t1:.2f}\n

maybe_parallel Global Pool (5 cpus) time: 1.00

maybe_parallel arg override 2 cpus time: 3.02

Examples of different pools

start = time.time()

for i in range(10):
    _ = new_pool_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)))
end = time.time() - start
print(f'{end:.2f} elapsed')
15.25 elapsed
start = time.time()

for i in range(10):
    _ = maybe_parallel(test_func, list(range(10)))
end = time.time() - start
print(f'{end:.2f} elapsed')
10.03 elapsed

In the above example, new_pool_parallel takes 5 seconds longer to execute compared to maybe_parallel. The time difference is driven by the overhead generated by creating new pools

Debugging Parallel Processing

Errors in parallel processing can be difficult to debug because the true error and stack trace are obscured by the parallel processing stack trace. If you have errors in parallel processing, first try setting os.environ['ncpus'] = '0' and running close_global_pool to disable python multiprocessing. This should reveal the true error.

If everything works fine when multiprocessing is disabled, it is likely one of your functions is failing to pickle.

Download Files

Download the files directory from the repo. Used for Collab notebooks

